While the City of Superior has not relaxed any of the locally imposed pandemic restrictions, other nearby communities and agencies are doing so.
The Village of Lawrence has hired a swimming pool manager and authorized the filling of that northwestern Nuckolls County community’s pool but as of Tuesday the pool has not opened.
The City of Nelson, like the City of Superior, has no plans at this time to open a pool, but Nuckolls County is preparing to reopen the courthouse.
Access to the courthouse has been restricted but the current plan is to unlock the doors on Monday, June 25.
Until then, the county treasurer’s office continues to take appointments for the registration of new vehicle purchases. All out-of-state titled vehicles may be inspected by representatives of the sheriff’s office from 1 to 3:30 p.m. on Wednesdays.
Until the courthouse reopens, all motor vehicle renewals may be made either by mail or online.
The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission has opened more camping opportunities in state park areas including allowing the use of some beaches and swimming areas.
The commission is removing temporary restrictions on recreational vehicle and tent camping. All reservation-only campsites and first-come campsites — other than at Mormon Island State Recreation Area in Hall County and Danish Alps State Recreation Area in Dakota County — are now available to all camping units, including RVs, camping trailers and tents.
Lovewell State Park is open for all activities including the designated swimming beach. The playground equipment will open Saturday. The park office opened last week. The fishing clinic planned to be held at the park on June 14th has been cancelled.
At this time the Superior Volunteer Fire Department’s annual July 4th fireworks show will be held at dusk on July 4. As in past years, the location will be Brodstone Memorial Field. Donations to assist with funding the show are always appreciated, Donations may be sent to the Superior Volunteer Fire Department in care of Mike Fenimore, P.O. Box 157, Superior, Neb. 68978.
At Hastings, the parks and splash pads and wading pools have either opened or are scheduled to open but a plan for opening the water park has not been announced.
All entertainment plans for the Fillmore County Fair have been cancelled. The Fillmore County Relay for Life will be held in late June but it will take on a new format.
The annual Pony Express Re-Ride that normally occurs in June has been rescheduled for late summer. Riders are to leave Sacramento, Calif., on Aug. 26 and arrive in St. Joseph, Mo., on Sept. 3. As usual, the re-ride will closely follow the trail route through Nuckolls County.
The Clay County Fair is still scheduled for July 8 through 11 but events will be adjusted as necessary to follow health department recommendations.
Adams County will not hold a county fair for the first time since 1872 but it is hoped in-person livestock shows can be held. Adams County has also cancelled plans to host the Nebraska High School Rodeo Finals in June.
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