Rock Hills Board of Education plans for the next school year

Rock Hills Board of Education holds meeting via Zoom

The recent USD 107 board meeting was held via Zoom video conference. Those present were Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth, Marc Grout, Lori Slate, Lori Yelken, Brandon Hollerich, Kari Kephart, Sam Meyers, Janet Higer, Billie Cox, Jeremy Luedke, Rex Boley, Jessica Shulda, Nikki Ost, Daphne Manning, Trent Duskie, Sarah Ortman, Tandra Sholtz, Francine Ernst, Megan Badger, Trevor Elkins, Ervin Underwood, Chandra Wagner, Colby Hamel, Jentry McGregor, Barb Railsback, Libby Duffy, Katie Whelchel, Mark McGregor, Kelli Hennes, Nate Foster, Janice McMillan, Sarah Warne, Chris Klos and Pam McGregor.

Kenny Mizner, president, explained how the Zoom meeting would be conducted.

Kari Kephart gave the superintendent report. The audited budget was received. The 2019-2020 weighted enrollment was adjusted by a reduction of just 0.1 FTE. CTE contact hours were underestimated by 2.6 FTE, but were offset by at-risk overestimates of 2.7 FTE. The audit of the 2018-2019 Special Education Transportation Reimbursement determined the district was overpaid $2,044, which will be adjusted against the next special education payment.

The registration cost for each of the six students who qualified for FBLA Nationals is $65 per person, for a total of $390. The registration costs are being paid in accordance with the Rock Hills USD 107 student organization travel guidelines.

The official end of the 2019-2020 school year was May 15. It was planned to have USD 107 students return school equipment and supplies on Tuesday. A rotating schedule was used based on students’ last names, similar to the schedule used for the pick-up of students’ personal items. Staff monitor ed to ensure social distancing guidelines were followed. The plan was approved by the Jewell County Health Department.

The elementary principal report was presented by Kephart. Rock Hills Elementary is a Title I school. The Title I program is a school-wide program which is available to any student identified as needing additional academic or behavioral support. Starting in the 2020-2021 school year, all schools that have a school-wide program must annually submit their school improvement plan to the Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) using Kansastar. The Rock Hills Elementary building leadership team is working on this plan and will have it submitted to KSDE prior to the start of the 2020-2021 school year.

The 2019-2020 audited enrollment is K- 30; 1st - 19; 2nd - 19; 3rd- 25; 4th- 27; 5th- 17; Total (with 32 PK students) is 169. The 2020-2021 enrollment projections are PK- 32; K- 21; 1st - 30; 2nd - 19; 3rd- 19; 4th- 27; 5th- 29; total- 177. The 5th grade teachers arranged a “5th grade sendoff” to take place during the 5th grade’s regular Zoom time, at 9:30 a.m., Tuesday. Parents were invited to attend.

Sam Meyers gave the junior-senior high principal’s report. The members of each of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways and Meyers met several times and completed and submitted the new Perkins IV funding documents for the 2020-2021 school year through participation in the Smoky Hill Education Cooperative consortium. These documents include the requests for both purchase of physical classroom items as well as professional development opportunities for the CTE teachers.

Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School has been awarded the 2020 Challenge Award by the Kansas Department of Education. The Kansas Department of Education developed a system for predicting state assessment scores based on factors that would provide for challenges to a district’s success on these state assessments. The challenge award was presented to Rock Hills for exceeding the predicted scores in math and reading.

The Kansas State High School Activities Association has developed a recommended timeline to return to activities for all Kansas high schools. It was formulated to align with the governor’s plan for resuming activities in the state. The Rock Hills coaching staffs have been coordinating to develop a plan for a return to activities that aligns with the KSHSAA and governor’s protocols. All plans will be reviewed and approved by the Jewell County Health Department prior to any implementation.

As a result of social distancing restrictions because of the COVID outbreak, The Kansas-Nebraska All Star volleyball and All Star basketball games scheduled to be held at Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School this summer have been cancelled. In addition the Kansas 8 Man All Star football game scheduled for this summer has been cancelled.

Billie Cox shared with the board the contract previously signed with CK Technologies had a clause present that said the project was contingent on E-rate funding. It was her understanding that the board intended to complete the cabling project regardless of the funding and she asked for something in writing to that affect to submit to CK Technologies. This would enable them to move forward with ordering supplies and scheduling the work. There was a consensus from the board to have Janet Higer draft a letter for Mizner’s signature.

Billie Cox presented a proposal to purchase 100 iPads to be used at the elementary school should school continue under COVID19 rules. The elementary school would also have the opportunity to use the iPads at school. The district has received a small rural grant that could possibly be used for this. Kephart reported this purchase would qualify for funding under the Cares Act funds the district will be receiving. The motion to purchase 100 iPads passed.

Sam Meyers updated the board on graduation options. At this time the plan is to have a ceremony at 2 p.m., on Aug. 1.

Meyers has been in contact with Terri Englebert, driver’s education instructor. He said if the county is in Phase 3 on June 1, they are planning to set a deadline for class signup and payment for June 8. Ms. Englebert’s contract could then be voted on at the June board meeting. They would look at scheduling classroom instruction for June 24, 25 and 26. Driving would depend on the COVID19 social distancing rules.

Kephart updated the board on RHES Jump Start-2020. They are currently planning on approximately 32 students, three teachers and one to two paras. Everything is dependent on the social distancing rules. The tentative dates are July 13 to 31.

July 28 is the tentative enrollment date.

Meyers requested supplemental contracts be tabled. All hires are not done yet and he said everything could be wrapped up at the next board meeting.

Trevor Elkins, agent for Mahin Insurance, addressed the board, asking them to consider a change of agents on the district’s workers’ compensation policy. Mahin Insurance has the ability to write for the same company the school is currently using. It was approved to transfer the compensation policy to Mahin Insurance.

Discussion on the classified pay scale was tabled until the June meeting.

Mizner informed the board he had forwarded to them an email from Gary Sechrist, KASB’s leadership specialist, with a selection available the board could choose from for a two hour meeting on short term goals and expectations. By consensus, the board selected 5 p.m., Monday, July 13, with a backup date of Aug. 17.

The Kansas Department of Education, Child and Nutrition Wellness department provided the district with a report from their Paid Lunch Equity (PLE) tool with some options on meal prices. The PLE tool recommended the school increase paid meal prices 30 cents. Kephart presented a comparison from the last two years and a recommendation for meal prices for the 2020-2021 school year. It was approved to increase the paid lunch and breakfast prices by 10 cents for students and 15 cents for adults. Meal prices for the 2020-2021 school year will be:

Lunch and Breakfast

K-5 $2.70 and $1.75

6-12 $2.90 and $1.90

Adult $4 and $2.55

Reduced 40 cents and 30 cents

Extra Milk 40 cents and 40 cents

Kephart presented the elementary and secondary school emergency relief (ESSER) funds application for approval which was passed as presented.

The 2020-2021 recommended start dates for the classified work agreements were approved. Food service - junior and senior high school personnel would begin work on Thursday, Aug. 6. Their last day of work would be Monday, May 17. Elementary school personnel would begin work on Friday, Aug. 7, and their last day would be Monday, May 17.

Paraprofessionals - Their first day would be on Wednesday, Aug. 12, and last day would be Friday, May 14.

Custodial staff - Their first day would be Wednesday July 1, and their last day would be Wednesday, June 30.

Secretaries - The junior and high school secretary would begin her first day of work on Friday, July 24, and her last day would be Wednesday, June 2. Elementary school secretary would begin her first day on Friday, July 24, and her last day would be Tuesday, June 29.

The KASB Legal Assistance Fund Contract renewal for 2020-2021 was approved.

Kephart presented information regarding elementary class sizes and scheduling for the board to consider whether or not to add additional staff. Because of the lack of a motion, there were no staffing changes made.

A temporary consultant contract for Rex Boley from April 1 until July 1, with the daily rate of pay being $369.20 was passed.

The board went into executive session to discuss employee contracts.

The board accepted the resignations as follows: Jody Hadachek - junior-senior life science; Daphne Manning - MTSS paraprofessional; Zach Spiegel - assistant high school boys basketball coach; Zach Duffy - assistant high school football coach; Barb Mizner - substitute transportation paraprofessional.

It was approved for Kephart to take nine vacation days beginning on June 18 through June 30.

Contracts were approved for the following:

Kevin Feldcamp - junior high math

Jaid Runft - RHJSHS secretary

Chandra Wagner - RHJSHS MTSS paraprofessional

Francine Ernst - RHES cook

The next regular meeting of the USD No. 107 Board of Education will be at 7 p.m., Monday, June 8, in the board room of the district office at 109 E Main Street, Mankato, Kansas (unless otherwise notified through social media or on the website).


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