Primary election poll workers were lonely in Nuckolls Co.

The Maytag appliance company had an advertising campaign in which it identified the company repairman as the loneliest guy in town.

Last week Nuckolls County poll workers had grounds to challenge the Maytag repairman for the loneliest title.

For Nebraska residents, last Tuesday was primary election day. Statewide the voter turnout was said to be among the highest ever for a primary election. Statewide 40 percent of the eligible voters cast ballots. In Nuckolls County 41 percent voted. Neighboring counties had an even higher response. Clay County reportd 60 percent, and Webser 52 percent.

While that may not have been true in every county, what was universally true was the record number of voters who chose to be early voters and used what were once called “absentee” ballots.

Here in Nuckolls County, the only question appearing on everyone’s ballot was a request from the Nuckolls County Ag Society to renew the society’s authority to collect a tax to fund operation of the Nuckolls County Fair.

The request was approved by the voters with 947 votes cast in favor of the renewed authority and 241 against. Of the 947 votes cast in favor, 768 were received via the absentee ballots. Only 199 people went to the polling place to vote for the measure. Of the 241 votes cast against the request, 48 were recorded at the polling places.

There were eight polling places open in Nuckolls County. The total vote count on the ag society proposition in each precinct is as follows: Beaver 1, 27 votes, Beaver 2, 20 votes, Beaver 3, 20 votes, Elk, 20 votes, Hardy, 9 votes, Spring Creek, 22 votes, Nelson, 71 votes, and Victor, 38 votes,

Nearly 80 percent of the votes cast on the fair issue were received via absentee ballots.

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, voters across the state were encouraged to use absentee ballots. Apparently they heard the call and saw the wisdom of the recommendation.

As courthouse access was restricted in many counties, the secretary of state’s office provided drop-off receptacles for those counties which did not previously have such a container. In Nuckolls County, the receptacle was located in the parking lot west of the courthouse.

Here in Nuckolls County, Republican voters favored Donald Trump for reelection as president with 810 votes of which 609 came via the absentee ballots. Bill Weld, a challenger received 44 votes.

On the Democrat ticket, Joe Biden received 218 votes. Of those, 209 were absentee. Other Democrats receiving votes were Tulsi Gabbard, 10, Bernie Sanders, 15, and Elizabeth Warren, 14.

For the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate, the incumbent, Ben Sasse, received 633 votes, Challenger Matt Innis received 258. Statewide, Sasse was the winner. The Democrats split their votes among seven candidates, with Chris Janicek receiving the most, 68. Larry Marvin received 40, Angie Philips, 48, Alisah Shelton, 28, Daniel Wik, 10, and Andy Stock, 21.

For the Third District Congressional seat, the incumbent, Adrian Smith, received 736 votes. Challengers and their vote tallies were Larry Bolinger, 14, William Elfgren, 41, Justin Morgan, 34, and Arron Kowalksi, 32. The sole Democrat to seek the office, Mark Elworth Jr., received 214.


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