Jewell Co. Census returns falling behind surrounding counties

As of the first week of May, Jewell County 2020 Census return numbers were falling below surrounding counties. If you have not done so, this is a reminder to fill out the 2020 Census either by mail or on-line. So far, Jewell County has a return rate of 47.6 percent, while surrounding counties are reporting return numbers in the 50 and 60 percent range. Statewide the response rate is 62.7 percent.

Federal and state funding for Jewell County is largely based upon how many citizens return their census reports, so doing so is vital to Jewell County.

The deadline to return the census form is in August, but please don’t wait until then. April 1 is called Census Day because wherever a person was living on that day is the location to report on the census form, unless the person reporting is a college student.

However, Census Day should also serve as a reminder that it’s of utmost importance to fill out the official census form (there are two scams). Any questions, contact Wendi Stark, Kansas Census Outreach Manager, at [email protected]. No question is too small. If you received a census form in your P.O. Box, it is not the official one. Toss it. For lots of great information, including a link to file online, go to


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