Mankato’s 20/20 committee has identified three projects to focus on. Project 1 is Mankato’s 150th celebration. Project 2 is caring for the the “Pizza Hut lot.” Project 3 is promoting local businesses.
The April 29 meeting was postponed. Ideas for the 150th celebration and committees are still welcome, a rough blueprint for the event layout has been outlined based on previous celebrations and timing to accommodate other community groups and activities.
For the logo-naming of the event, the city has revamped the logo with the tag line “Home of Friendly People.”
Bright spot: This may be the next really big, exciting event for the town. Given the current circumstances, people may have a lot of energy and passion to contribute to the project. People may be excited to come to an event!
Big news! The chamber was able to transfer ownership of the lot from Warren Heinan to Paul Wilson. The 501c3 was also gifted almost $6,000 from Mankato Endowment in funds they had set aside for the lot and a scholarship that wasn’t applied for.
The chamber has opened a checking account to accept these funds for later grant applications. The board has not received ownership of the land yet because the board members have not been able to get together for a vote. So currently, the non-profit has seed money and the opportunity to work with Wilson on future ownership of the lot.
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