Commissioners uphold resolutions until further notice

On Friday, the Jewell County commissioners held a special meeting to discuss Jewell County’s next phase of operations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Commissioners decided to continue operations of the Jewell County Courthouse according to the March 23 resolution until further order.

The resolution states all county employees will continue to maintain normal business hours and perform assigned tasks unless an employee falls within “at risk” defined by separate employee policies. Departments are encouraged to conduct business by telephone and electronic means of communication whenever possible. A plan for items of business which require an in-person transaction and items of business performed by other means of communication are to be developed by the department heads.

Entrance to the courthouse is based on a discretionary “as needed” basis. Those individuals who request access need to contact the appropriate department by telephone. Individuals who request access are subject to a health questionnaire and the department heads have the discretionary authority to grant access to those who pass the questionnaire. Access is restricted to one individual of the public at a time per department.


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