Country Roads

I try to stay on the positive side of things but today’s situations make it difficult. We’ve all heard the old saying, “April showers brings May flowers,” well I’m still waiting on those April showers and the calendar is saying that there is only another week and a few days before May arrives. Without hardly any rain during this month, it makes one wonder if all of the May flowers will show. Weather forecasts do not hold out much promise for the April rains either. Farmers are busy planting corn, and soon vegetable gardens will all be planted. It maybe the first of May when the rains come. No matter, I purchased my garden seeds recently and hope to plant them this week. I hope other gardeners have purchased their seeds as I was told because of the virus conditions, garden seeds are becoming a hot commodity and they may replace the toilet paper, soon being in short supply.

Then there is the “social distancing” that is still in place as the virus pandemic continues, stretching out the time frames when people can get back to work or socialize once again. Some of the news media is confusing, as one expert says people are making too much of the situation and other experts are saying we haven’t seen the worst yet. People are allowed to drive to the stores to have orders brought out to their cars, but in some places warnings are given about holding “drive in” worship services in the church yards. We are warned not to touch our faces, but what are you to do if your nose itches?

Gasoline prices are low now, as low as they have been in years but with the virus warnings of “shut in” and “social distancing” still in place, a person can’t just jump in the car to take a trip or travel too far. It still makes a person feel good, though, when you pull your vehicle into the station to fill the tank up.

Farmers are worried about the low grain and beef prices. Investors are concerned about the stock market and their investments. There are those now without jobs, and those still working beyond measure keeping us safe, fed and healthy.

Oh well. I’d still like to think that my glass is half full instead of it being half empty. As my granny once told me when I was going through some hardships a few years ago, she said, “I know it’s hard, but you’ll get through this. Just remember you come from some pretty tough stock.” As I think back to that time, she was over 90 years old. She’d lost a leg from a heal problem, she’d lost a child, prayed through having three sons fighting in WWII and raised a family during the Dust Bowl days.

This too shall pass! We are from some pretty tough stock!


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