Cancellation list continues to grow; shutdown extended through April 30

The list of cancellations continues to grow as does the number of COVID-19 cases. After the last issue of this newspaper was printed we received an advertisement order for an electronics recycling event that was to be held at Nelson. The ad was set and placed in the current edition. Monday we got a call advising the event planned for April ?? would not be held. We have not yet heard of a new date but expect the event will be rescheduled.

We certainly hope it will be rescheduled as we had been gathering a pile of electronic items we planned to turn in that day.

The Nuckolls County Ministerial Alliance has informed us that the Lenten Week Breakfasts that have been a Superior tradition for more than 60 years will, for the first time since they were started by the Superior Kiwanis Club in the 1950s, not be held this year. It has been traditional for the women of five churches, (a different one each day, Monday through Friday) to prepare a breakfast that was served at 7 a.m. The breakfast was followed by a lay person delivering a short devotional. All was timed so people could be to work by 8 a.m.

Easter egg hunts have long been popular with area youngsters with such events held not only in a Superior park but in other nearby communities.

This year there will be a different twist. Superior residents and businesses are being encouraged to display colored pictures of Easter eggs which youngsters walking about Superior can see.


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