Amid COVID-19 concerns, OCCK, Inc. Transportation is adjusting service levels for CityGo, 81 Connection, Regional Paratransit and City of Abilene public transportation.
As of Monday, CityGo buses will only run from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. with no peak routes running. Passengers will be required to observe social distancing requirements. Additional buses may be dispatched if needed.
For Regional Paratransit and the city of Abilene public transportation, non-essential subscription rides will be suspended. Essential rides, those trips to work, medical appointments and those for nutrition (groceries, etc.), will be booked no more than 24 to 48 hours in advance and scheduled based on the number of drivers fit for duty. Passengers will be scheduled to meet social distancing recommendations.
81 Connection will run the regular morning route (SB Link 1 and NB Link 1), but will only run the Salina-Belleville-Salina (NB Link 3 and SB Link 3) route in the afternoon, each day Monday through Friday. Passengers will be required to observe social distancing requirements.
Services levels will continue to be adjusted as the situation warrants. Information will be submitted to the media, posted on Facebook and the OCCK Transportation website.
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