Sidewalks come to Randall in 1886

Many of us take for granted cement sidewalks in towns. They keep us from getting grass or mud on our shoes. At times mud gets on the walkways and we complain it, but imagine life without sidewalks. Getting around would be a muddy mess, especially in the spring. Take a look at a time when towns were just beginning to construct wooden sidewalks and what people were saying about them.

From The Early Years, 1885-1888 March 20, 1886

Randall has done well in the building of sidewalks. The move at the beginning of the week showed when the business men of the place got down to real work, all labored earnestly and in unity...The mud has one drawback to Randall. With sidwalks, it is the plesantest town in this part of the state. Randall can make no investment which will bring such returns as that of laying out money for sidewalks. The time will come when the walks should be put down on all the streets in place.

Randall merchants are out of building nails. The blame is laid on the unexperienced sidewalk builders. None found fault, however. The nails could not have been used to a better advantage. M. C. Brunnermer started the sidewalk craze, while it is claimed for Mr. Preston that the latter has the bet yet constructed.

The sidewalks were made of wood, not the brick or cement sidewalks we find today.


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