
Our sympathy to the family of Dorothy Boger, formerly of Jewell.  Dorothy was the mother of Charli Barrett, who taught in the Jewell schools for a time. Dorothy was born Nov. 16, 1922 and died March 3, 2020.

Jewell City-wide Spring Cleanup day is coming next month, Monday, April. 20.

Congratulations to four young men on the Beloit FFA team for placing third out of 25 teams last week at the NCK-Tech GMAW welding contest.  Jacob Burks, son of Josh and Erin Burks, a member of the team, placed fourth in the individual competition. Congratulations, Jacob.

Randall Clanin and his son, Daylon of Enid, Okla., visited his aunt, Karen Matteson, last weekend. Randall was the son of the late Richard Clanin.

Robert Kemmerer is the resident of the month at Resident Care Center, Mitchell County Hospital.  Congratulations, Robert.

Abbey Schleifer, eighth grader at the Rock Hills Junior-Senior High School, has been named National Geographic GeoBee State Competition Semifinalist. She is the daughter of Tanya and Duane Schleifer, Jewell.  The state 2020 GeoBee competition will be held at Abilene on Friday, March 27.  Congratulations on being a semifinalist, Abbey, and good luck to you in the next level of competition. State champions will receive a medal, $1,000 in cash and other prizes as well as a trip to Washington, D.C., to represent their state in the national championship.

Jewell History—The answer to last week’s question: The first issue of the “Jewell County Republican” left the press on Nov. 28, 1879.  This week’s question is—Can you name the three early banks in Jewell City?

The Beloit High School basketball team won their sub-state tournament in Beloit Friday evening.  Grant Arasmith and Caleb Burks, both of Jewell, are members of the team.  Congratulations to the Beloit team. They are now headed to state.

A reminder—the Randall Community Church and the Jewell Christian Church will have a joint board meeting Sunday.  Pot luck dinner at noon and joint board meeting to follow at the Christian Church.

The community bridal shower for Darica Bohnert is Sunday afternoon at the Jewell Community Center.

Joleta Shamburg, Salina, called on Mary Shelton.

Frosty, Kerma and Rachel Crouse went to Kansas City the first part of last week to visit Rachel’s brother, Jody Crouse.  They also saw Rachel’s sister, Michelle Riddle, her nephew, Tamarick Riddle, and her friend, Bonnie Bennett.

Eleanor Crotts, granddaughter of Kerma Crouse, played in volleyball tournaments in Hutchinson on Saturday and Sunday.  She plays for Garden City Mission.  The team placed first on Saturday and placed third in pool play on Sunday.  Frosty, Kerma and Rachel Crouse went to watch her play.


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