Vietnam Veteran and spouse recognition held Feb. 23

Nine veterans and one spouse were honored at a recognition ceremony held at the Glen Elder American Legion by Desire Tobey Sears Chapter, NSDAR. As a member of the United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration, the chapter’s purpose is to recognize, thank and honor United States military veterans who served during the Vietnam War and surviving spouses.

More than 40 family, friends and community members attended the 2 p.m. ceremony. Five chapter members assisted in leading the Pledge of Allegiance and explaining the symbolism of the Eagle, Blue Circle, Laurel Wreath, Stripes, Stars and Message that are found on the lapel pin. A surviving spouse of a Navy Seabee, a member of the Air Force, four members of the Navy and four members of the Army were presented with a NSDAR Recognition Certificate and lapel pin. They were given an opportunity to talk about their service and where they were stationed.

Chapter members are planning more ceremonies in the upcoming months. This was the first one to be held in Mitchell County.

The message on the lapel pin is‚ A Grateful Nation Thanks and Honors You. The chapter realizes there are many more veterans, surviving spouses and children to be recognized.

Contact Michelle Baxa at baxamichelle or Sherry Koster at [email protected] with information and questions. Eligibility time line is Nov. 1, 1955 through May 15, 1975, regardless of location.


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