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  • Senior Parade will not be held

    May 7, 2020

    Plans for parades through Lawrence and Nelson to honor members of the 2020 graduating class have been scuttled. The event was to have been held on Saturday....

  • A tribute to Mothers under COVID lockdown

    Melanie Mainquist|May 7, 2020

    This Mother’s Day we salute the moms who continue to endure sheltering at home or lockdown as some refer to it. The mom that never thought she would have to home school her children or the mom who knows full well now, she was never meant to be a teacher but has so much more appreciation for her little darlings’ teacher. The mom who referees who gets the devices and fights the daily battle of limiting screen time when the youngsters defend their Wi-Fi position, “but it’s schoolwork!” We salute the grandmothers who aren’t able to visit their...

  • Correcting this faulty belief about COVID-19 will save lives

    Kenneth E. Thorpe|May 7, 2020

    In times of emergency, misperceptions can prove deadly. That’s certainly the case today, amid widespread belief that COVID-19 mainly threatens older Americans. In reality, those of any age suffering from an underlying health condition are at significant risk of complications from COVID-19. And when these patients fail to take proper precautions, they put their own lives -- and the health of millions of people -- in jeopardy. By and large, younger Americans have been the slowest to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many in this group continue t...

  • Three Jewell Co. churches hold service via video

    May 7, 2020

    Pastor Jim Rice provided the service Sunday for Ionia, Jewell Trinity and Harmony United Methodist churches via video because of thecorona virus isolation. The video can be viewed on YouTube under “Worship Video for Sunday May 3 2020 James Rice.” Pianists were Jan McCollough and Mary Ann Kibbe, providing four hands, one piano and a duet special presentation. Amber Loomis served as acolyte. Amy Rice provided the Children’s Time with the quotes of characters and asking if anyone could guess those characters by what they say. Amy provided the q...

  • Sullivan to head overseas operation

    Apr 9, 2020

    Rick Sullivan has been selected as the director of the office of Design and Engineering by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Overseas Buildings Operations. Sullivan will be responsible for overseeing all facets of the design, engineering, standards and technical support of U.S. diplomatic facilities (embassies, consulates, etc.) at 289 locations around the world as well as over $20 billion of ongoing international construction work. Rick is a 1989 graduate of Superior High School and a...

  • Finding a different purpose for roofing tin

    Apr 9, 2020

    Several crafty people are repurposing items from furniture, decorations, pallets and dishware to be used in new ways. They have the knack to look at what to some people is junk and see a new purpose for it. When Pat Crocket saw a pile of tin panels the Zoltenkos had taken off of one of their buildings, it sparked a repurposng idea for her. Pat was more than happy to take the tin panels she was offered. Pat took a trailer to Zoltenkos where she and a reluctant Dennis Duffy loaded the 10 foot by...

  • Organization spreads kindness

    Apr 9, 2020

    Superior is home to “Ambassadors of Kindness, Inc.,” a nonprofit organization. It began as a Facebook page to inspire others to practice being kind and to show how kindness can spread. Within four months, the Facebook page had close to 7,000 followers. The decision was made to create a nonprofit organization and on Feb. 26, the organization became official. The organization lead the Magical Toy Drive collecting 275 new toys, four bikes, two tricycles and raised $400. Ambassadors of Kindess, Inc., created the “Colors 4 Kids” program which c...

  • Holy Week

    Kerma Crouse|Apr 9, 2020

    Last Sunday was Palm Sunday and now we are ready to celebrate Easter on this coming Sunday. Holy Week, in the Christian Calendar is the week leading up to the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the week, Holy Communion, the Eucharist, the Lord's Supper or the Last Supper was instituted by Jesus. This is observed on Thursday, Maundy Thursday. Jesus was meeting with his disciples in the Upper Room to celebrate the Passover. The Passover commemorates the final plague, the death of the first...

  • FBLA wins national awards

    Barbara Railsback|Apr 9, 2020

    Several members of the Rock Hills FBLA chapter have earned national awards this year. Twelve members earned one of the four levels of Business Achievement Awards. Specific items must be completed in order to earn a BAA; the higher the level, the more difficult the requirements. The levels are Future, Business, Leader, and America. Members who earned the Future award are Jacob Barry, Davin Coil, Austyn Groote, Selena Luong, Kole Vance, Christian Wagner, Kaylee Wagner, Keegan Wagner and Lauren...

  • Palm Sunday

    Kerma Crouse|Apr 2, 2020

    Christians around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday on this coming Sunday, April 5. (Or on April 12 in Eastern Orthodox or Russian Orthodox congregations.) It is often observed with children carrying palm branches down the aisles of churches but will be observed differently this year. Services online, via Facebook, Zoom and other media will tell the centuries old story. The story of Palm Sunday, as recorded in the Gospels, tells of the day Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem. The story beg...

  • Rock Hills seniors awarded a Dane G. Hansen Scholarship

    Apr 2, 2020

    Two students from Rock Hills have been awarded a grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. For students interested in a career and technical education scholarship, the foundation offered the following scholarships. These awards are for $4,000 and may be renewed for one additional year provided the student has maintained a satisfactory academic record. The two students from Rocks Hills are Haley Long and Dominic Long....

  • Coronavirus loan guide created to help small businesses

    Apr 2, 2020

  • Spring break during the COVID-19 outbreak

    Mary Sawyer|Apr 2, 2020

    March. Spring break. College. What do most college students do during this time? Travel! But how has COVID-19 changed that? Some students left early in March before all of the warnings and shutdowns. Here are the stories of three students how the COVID-19 pandemic affected their trips. Teah Colvin, a senior at Chadron State College, and three of her girlfriends planned their spring break in January. They wanted to vacation near the ocean in a warm climate, but they had a limited budget. They found what they thought was the perfect place for...

  • Lost Moose still wandering

    Apr 2, 2020

    Remember the young moose that earlier was observed in a field south of Hardy and then moved on to Republic County? Well the two-year-old male moose is in the news again. Saturday the Lincoln Journal-Star reported he had made a loop through Kansas and had been in recent days near Wilber and in Gage County (Beatrice). He was first observed near Ainsworth last year. He wandered south past Ravenna and Hastings and then was seen near Hardy and Belleville. Because of their size and lack of predators, a moose generally makes little effort to hide....

  • A letter from the National Willa Cather Center

    Mar 26, 2020

    As of March 17, the National Willa Cather Center is closed to the public until further notice but at minimum through March 31. In the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, we believe the most responsible thing we can do is practice social distancing in an effort to protect the well-being of our volunteers, staff and the broader community. Most of our staff will be working remotely and will continue to be accessible by email. Our phone line will remain open and we will direct your calls as we are able to do so. We continue to monitor the...

  • Cancer patients should take extra precautions

    Mar 26, 2020

    Because some types of cancer and treatments can weaken the immune system, the Morrison Cancer Center is warning its patients they may be at increased risk of illness, including COVID-19. Dr. M. Sitki Copur, medical oncologist-hematologist, said health care officials are currently studying for more exact information on the effects of COVID-19 on cancer patients. However, there are times when cancer patients are known to have a weakened immune system. “Anyone caring for cancer patients should be following CDC guidelines for proper hygiene and h...

  • Small-town libraries get help for high-tech makerspaces

    Mar 26, 2020

    Today’s libraries provide important services that go far beyond books. They are used for community gathering places, internet access, remote conferencing, public meetings, after-school programs, and increasingly, for wildly popular makerspaces for children and adults. Recently, the Kreutz-Bennett Donor-Advised Fund, an affiliated fund of Nebraska Community Foundation, helped six small-town Nebraska libraries provide access to STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, math) activities by providing grants totaling $46,321. All grants r...

  • 1918-1920 and the "Spanish Flu" Pandemic

    Kerma Crouse|Mar 26, 2020

    A pandemic occurs when a disease spreads in significant numbers world-wide. If a disease is more limited in area, not found in large numbers in multiple continents, it is an epidemic. An outbreak simply means there are more cases of a disease in a specific local area than is normal. The “Spanish Flu” was pandemic but not really Spanish at all. The world was at war and news media was not writing about nor reporting on news that might lower moral. It was illegal to print such news in the United States. Spain, neutral during the war, had a pre...

  • Fly the Flag for National Vietnam War Veterans Day

    Kerma Crouse|Mar 26, 2020

    Sunday is National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This national observance is to remember and thank all Vietnam War Veterans and their families for their service during the war. First observed in 2012, National Vietnam War Veterans Day was made official with legislative action on March 28, 2017. On that day President Trump signed The Vietnam War Veterans Recognition Act of 2017. The act made the official day of observance March 29 of each year. March 29 was selected because on March 29, 1973, the...

  • Sidewalks come to Randall in 1886

    Mar 26, 2020

    Many of us take for granted cement sidewalks in towns. They keep us from getting grass or mud on our shoes. At times mud gets on the walkways and we complain it, but imagine life without sidewalks. Getting around would be a muddy mess, especially in the spring. Take a look at a time when towns were just beginning to construct wooden sidewalks and what people were saying about them. From The Early Years, 1885-1888 March 20, 1886 Randall has done well in the building of sidewalks. The move at the beginning of the week showed when the business...

  • Superior Jr.-Sr. High School 2019-2020 Quarter 3 Honor Roll

    Mar 26, 2020

    The Superior High Honor Roll represents an accumulative average in percentage grade courses of 93 percent or above, with no grade lower than an 86 percent, no letter grade lower than a B, and no incompletes for the quarter. High Honor Roll Members Seniors: Dylan Blackstone, Darian Brenneman, Kathrin Elsner, Payton Frahm, Braden Frasier, Jae Freeman, Cassidy Frey, Jackson Gilbert, Zade Hansen, Trisha Hayes, Brenden Jensen, Zaveah Kobza, Lacey Langer, Noelle McMeen, Kalynn Meyer, Hallie Miller, Emma Schnakenberg, Jayden Simmons, and Haley West...

  • What some are thinking during the crisis of the virus

    Mary Sawyer|Mar 26, 2020

    With the changes in the world caused by COVID-19, I challenged people to share their thoughts, reflections, comments or observations about the past two weeks using six words. Several people took up the challenge and most were able to answer in six words, yet a few had more to say and that was okay. I started the challenge with my own six-word comments: Blessed to live where I do. There’s more on television than hockey. The silver lining is family time. Who knew TP was so important?! Here are contributions from others to the list: Very t...

  • Friends working together build success for OID

    Mar 12, 2020

    Oz, a 15 minute oral interpretation of drama presentation (OID), shows how well the Superior High School speech team works together. The team meets for practice three time a week. Right now with all the student activities, that is a commitment. During IOD performances, members hold a script. They use gestures and vocal changes to distinguish characters. Performances can be up to 15 minutes in length. Teams perform in front of judges twice. If they place, they then perform a third time during...

  • Jackson performs "The Raven"

    Mar 12, 2020

    Jackson Kuhlman, not only is a fill in for Superior School’s OID team, he also competes in the poetry division for speech. This year he has chosen “The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe. He uses gestures, stance and intonations to support his character and to help tell the story. Even though his 10 minute poem is memorized, Jackson holds a small black binder while competing in three rounds before finals. Jackson likes performing “The Raven” because it gives him a chance to act somber and crazy. Poetry is his favorite speech event....

  • Community Choir prepares for Palm Sunday performance

    Mar 12, 2020

    Since January, musicians from throughout Nuckolls County have been practicing in preparation for a Palm Sunday Cantata at the Superior First United Methodist Church. Two performances are planned. One performance is scheduled for 3 p.m. and the other at 6 p.m. with a reception in the church basement following each. Lyrics of the cantata “Once Upon A Morning” by Pepper Choplin begin with the events of Easter morning and proceed to Pentecost. The choir performs under the direction of Teresa Christensen, accompanied by Carlita Price at the pia...

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