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“We don’t know them all but we owe them all!” A great saying this Veterans Day as this is being written. I swell with pride thinking of our brave veterans who were willing to serve this great country and keep it safe and free. I think of this every time I go to vote, attend the church of my choice, give a salute to the American flag as the anthem is being played, live where I chose, do the jobs I chose to do and not be afraid of being arrested for supporting my country. I was raised to give honor to this America and the veterans and activ...
Supply problems are not a new challenge. When I was in high school I remember when the family’s filling station nearly ran out of gasoline. Dad was gone and he had left me charge. I didn’t know how I could explain how I let the station run out of its best selling item and frantically worked to solve the problem. It was standard procedure to measure the fuel left in all tanks at opening every morning as we balanced recorded sales with the gallons pumped to make sure all sales were recorded and the money accounted for. When the amount of fue...
The stroke left her paralyzed and stole away the present, leaving her mercifully living in the past. When I came to visit, she would ask me if I had seen “Mama”. I would tell her that Mama was really busy caring for the chickens. Grace loved them. She and Mama were proud of the many chickens they had raised over the years. She also asked about her favorite riding horse, Dick, and wanted him brought around so she could ride. When we had her sale that year, we found Dick in the basement truck. Alice told us he was always getting loose so the...
Q: If you tithe are you more apt to go to heaven? A: Bible verses such as Habakkuk 2:4, John 3:36, Romans 4:5, Romans 6:23, Romans 11:6 and Galatians 2:21 (to name just a few) all make it very clear that eternal life in heaven is offered by God to all as a completely free gift. There is nothing we must do to qualify for this gift and indeed nothing we could do to earn it even if we wanted to (Isaiah 64:6). All we have to do is accept eternal life as a gift from God by trusting in Jesus. Giving money to God, church or charity earns you no merit...
And then it was over . . . There was just silence . . . Well, OK, maybe that silence note wasn’t correct. A couple of comments on the election. • I thought I was correct in saying Nebraska residents really didn’t want to be known as a state that welcomed people into their state to “Kill” their babies via abortion. We not only stopped “Liberals” from putting an imagined “Right to an abortion” into the Nebraska Constitution, but improved the current limits (although still not great) on abortions. • Of all the other state-wide election questions...
As I write this, it’s Election Day tomorrow! People have either gone to the polls to vote early, filled out and mailed them in, or will head to the polling places tomorrow. This election time has been a whirlwind. A time of conflicts, a bunch of promising proposals, name calling back and forth, a trying time for sure. When this newspaper edition comes out, the election will be all over, or will it? Will the ballots all be counted? Will there be some last minute findings to question the findings? Will there be riots not accepting the outcome? Wi...
Stories about DIY projects are among my favorite topics. Each year, at the Superior Public Library book sale, I look for “How to Books.” Monday I came across a story about how to repurpose tuna cans. When the newspaper bought 35mm film in 100 foot rolls, I repurposed all the metal cans which held the rolls of film. I found they were good for storing small quantities of fasteners like bolts, screws and nails for the cans fit inside the drawers we once used to store metal plates. Each can was 3.75 inches in diameter and just more than 1.5 inc...
I have always been a “C” student. My biggest problem seems to be that I must fully understand a subject before I grasp the concept. My understanding seems to take longer than the average student. No matter how hard I study, I can only grasp a small part until I have all the pieces. The parts I grasp are enough to give me a “C”. When I was a senior in high school, my English teacher, Mrs. K., was very challenging, even to the best students. In the poetry section, we learned about many different styles of poetry. My favorite style was the iam...
Happy Fall-idays! The feeling of fall is all around us. As I write this, there are the sounds of combines busy in the neighboring field harvesting corn. My supposed-to-be-retired farmer husband has been busy the last few days helping his son by planting wheat in the just harvested soybean fields. Though I haven’t seen or heard any geese flying south yet, it soon will be happening. The once green grasslands are now showing dreary brown and tan tones. Down in the Limestone Creek, the tree leaves are changing from green to yellow, browns and g...
As a college student, I used pictures of shoes multiple times to complete picture assignments. Once I pictured a coed walking home from class under an umbrella barefoot in a pouring rain. It appeared she was attempting to preserve her shoes by keeping them out of water but the candid picture looked as if water was running off the umbrella and into her shoes. I didn’t verify the situation but I suspect she was in for a wet surprise when she reached her destination. Another time I watch a coed slip her shoes off and leave them in what appeared t...
One week to go for the 2024 General Elections: I have no further information to pass on, except for the wish that you do take time to vote. Remember “Good” from “Bad.” Remember the “Common Good” for all, not just special groups. Remember the “Liberal Left” most often runs after what they want, not what is good for the Common person. Those Politicians identified with the Liberal Left usually want to “control” the world with regulations, practices and government that is not for the common good . . . no matter how hard they try to justify thei...
If you were around as a child when the first television shows came on air, you probably quickly became a regular viewer of “The Howdy Doody Show.” I did not get to watch this show when it came on in 1947. It wasn’t until my parents purchased their first television set in the early 1950s that I began watching it. It captured my interest as it was of a western cowboy and cowgirl’s presentation. The show’s emcee was Bob Smith but his show name was appropriately Buffalo Bob. He was dressed in cowboy fashion. The star of the show was a puppet na...
Last week I started to report on an internet search I had conducted trying to pinpoint the location of a Warwick community mentioned in the Nebraska news column published in an 1884 Nuckolls County newspaper. In addition to Warwick, Kansas, located in Republic County, not far from Hardy, the internet sources gave two locations within Nuckolls County for a community called Warwick Junction In case you didn’t read or don’t remember last week’s column, let me review a bit of that column before charging into this week’s entries. One interne...
Q: Do you believe there is such a place as Hell? A: Perhaps a better question would be, Does the Bible clearly teach the reality of hell? or does Jesus Christ believe in hell? The perspective of God’ s inspired word and the God-man Himself are much more authoritative than any pastor’s opinion. However, the answer to all three of these questions is the same: yes! Both the Bible in general and Jesus Christ in particular repeatedly teach about a place of everlasting punishment and torment. It is referred to as hell, the outer darkness, and the...
Sometimes I don’t know if God Almighty has a sense of humor, or if it’s just another test. As you all know, it is very dry in southcentral Nebraska. I can’t remember the last rain of any consequence. The weathermen tell us ever so often that we have a 20 percent chance of rain . . . but it never happens. Well, my questioning of God’s sense of humor came from a visit to Superior Monday for a medical appointment. Remember, the weather forecast was for rain Monday. The rain did not come on the trip down or the visit with a brother-in-law. It came...
Apple picking season is upon us. One never knows for sure if their apple trees are going to produce or not. Sometimes there comes a frost upon the apple blooms and this can mean there will be a no or low yield. This year, there is a bountiful yield of tasty apples. Some apples are made into delicious treats such as jellies, applesauce, apple cobblers, apple cakes, apple breads, apple muffins, apple salads, cider and, of course, the all American dessert — the Apple Pie. Simple things like a baked apple, a candied apple or a juicy caramel c...
Monday morning a former resident of Superior stopped by the newspaper office with questions about past happenings. Some I could answer and some I couldn’t. He’s not the only one with questions about what may have happened. I have some of my own. For example, while skimming the Nebraska News column in an 1884 newspaper published at Nelson, I read of a fire which destroyed a store at Warwick. I’m familiar with what is now a ghost town in Republic County’s Big Bend Township named Warwick. I once took pictures of a Mobil Oil Company’s bulk plan...
I pray daily, but silently. I was told I need to pray aloud. Is this so? A: Prayer can be out loud or you can pray just thinking the words in your heart. We know that Hannah prayed without talking when she asked God for a son because it made the High Priest think she was drunk (I Samuel 1:12-14). Yet her prayers were answered. God knows the thoughts of our heart (Jeremiah 17:9-10; Mark 2:6-8) and every detail of our lives, both seen and unseen (Matthew 10:29-31). Jesus even advised his disciples to pray secretly so no one could hear (Matthew...
The “Common Good.” That is a phrase you don’t hear often in today’s political sphere. Over the years, I remember reading those two words often about the early days of American history. I was recently reminded of those two words when reading comments on the writings of Saint John Paul II. Although the two words are not in this part of his writing, the writing reminded me of those two words. In today’s world profound thoughts and words are often lost in all the banter we receive from so many different sources. Sometimes really profound thoughts...
It’s time for a Pumpkin Palooza! Pumpkins are everywhere and ready for either decorating, carving or eating. They are grown in colors such as light green, white, blue and of course the usual orange. This time of the year, the pumpkins are seen everywhere including on porches, in yards, on sidewalks and in the house displayed on tables and shelves. They are on display in stores, on trailers and in front of specialty shops, all offering the pumpkins of all shapes and sizes for sale. Speaking of sizes, the record for the largest pumpkin was set a...
This week newspapers throughout the United States are celebrating the 84th annual National Newspaper Week. As part of the observance the National Newspaper Association has asked us “old boys” to share stories about why we are in the newspaper business. And when it comes to the “old boy” designation, I certainly fit. I’ve been sitting in this newspaper’s editor’s chair for more than 54 year and I’ve been telling stories for more years than that. I’m not sure when I started but one my earliest memories is of a story I told dates back to whe...
Q: I recently lost someone close to me. Where can I find words of comfort in the Bible? A: It may not be easy for me to offer a satisfying answer to this question since grief can affect all of us in different ways. The best I can do is offer general guidelines and resources for grief, then list specific passages for various situations. I hope it helps. One beneficial source of comfort to us in times of grief is our relationships with others. Friends, family, a pastor or a wise fellow believer can provide support and encouragement. The Bible sha...
Recently I attended the Nebraska Press Women’s fall convention. Looking over the slate of presenters, I was not overly interested in the subject matter, but I relished the chance to network with fellow journalists. I hooked up to my camper and headed out early Friday morning for a Nebraska State Park close to the convention venue. I had no trouble finding the park, getting a site and setting up my camper. All was going well by Saturday morning but, knowing my luck, I headed out early just in case. Sure enough, I took a wrong turn inside the p...
“Election Tampering” is often thought of as something that happens on Election Day to affect the outcome of the election. However, “Tampering” can come in many forms. The Heritage Foundation just released a news item concerning voter registration in Arizona. The Daily Signal reported the following: “Arizona has 218,000 voters who can’t prove citizenship.” The Arizona Secretary of State made the announcement last week, but still had not sent the information down to the local election officials who have to deal with the public. I still don’t k...
It was 100 years ago this September that my Grandfather Wrench helped solve a Nuckolls County bank robbery. I’ve shared this story in this newspaper before but it is one as a youngster I often asked my grandfather to tell. Hopefully the readers of this column will enjoy reading it again. From The Sept. 25, 1924 edition of The Express Superior is considerably in the limelight right now for having captured an honest to goodness bank robber, guns, money and all. Yes, sir, inside of six hours Monday, Mr. Robber was arrested, jailed, demobilized o...