Articles from the October 28, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 53

  • COVID-19 vaccine booster

    Oct 28, 2021

    Hastings, Neb –South Heartland District Health Department (SHDHD) and area vaccine providers are finalizing local protocols and documentation so they may administer booster doses of Moderna and Janssen vaccines to interested South Heartland residents within the next several days. This follows the approval by the FDA and release of recommendations for boosters by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) last week. Pfizer boosters were approved in late September. SHDHD executive director Michele Bever said the health department w...

  • Editor's Notebook

    Bill Blauvelt|Oct 28, 2021

    Friday morning a crew gathered in a supermarket parking lot at Plattsmouth to assemble what they hoped would be a record breaking ice cream sandwich which would weigh as much as a small automobile. The completed dessert weighed in at 2,960 pounds and broke the Guinness World Record for the biggest ice cream sandwich. The previous record was set in 1998 when an Iowa supermarket assembled a 2,460 pound dessert. The Nebraska sandwich took a crew of 30 people five hours to complete. Built in a...

  • Country Roads

    Gloria Schlaefli|Oct 28, 2021

    It’s the sign of the times. Some of the sayings and words we used years ago might get a blank look if used today. Here are a few of those back-in-time sayings and words that have given way to the modern times. The word “baloney” or “hogwash” were used to describe something thought to be false or misspoken. Today some like to say it’s “fake news.” What was once thought of as being an “icebox” is now a refrigerator. A “pocket book” is now a purse. Going “courting” is now a couple going out on a date. Years ago a person was thought to be a...

  • Ask a Pastor Column

    Oct 28, 2021

    Presenting Biblical answers to tough questions Q: Why does the Catholic Bible have more books than the NIV Bible? Why aren’t they the same? Which set of books is actually the complete word of God? A: The process of identifying which writings make up God’s Word was far more organic than many people realize. The Church over the first and second centuries published several lists of books they considered authentic. While the church consistently condemned several non-authentic documents, there was some variation on exactly which books were app...

  • White Sidewall Tires

    Richard L. Schmeling|Oct 28, 2021

    Recently I saw a 1950s era Ford stationwagon fully restored to “as new” condition. As a part of the restoration, the stationwagon had white sidewall tires. When I was growing up in Superior, white sidewall tires were popular. These tires cost more than the standard blackwall tires and their presence on a car would indicate an owner who was (1) able to afford the special tires and (2) wanted to indicate his vehicle was above the typical vehicle on the streets. The 1950s white sidewall tires had a broad white sidewall. All was fine with them unt...

  • Puffs

    Allen Ostdiek|Oct 28, 2021

    I mentioned earlier that I was reading a book about Harry Truman and I have now finished all 1,000 pages and greatly enjoyed the book. I learned a number of things I did not know about the man. In general, he was a much more of a liberal than what I knew. (Although by today’s standards, he was a conservative liberal.) He also tried to do the “Right” thing. He often was in the minority on some programs as he fought against ‘trends’ he thought were wrong. He did not win everything, by a long shot, but he never stopped trying to do what he though...

  • Love my crazy life

    Teraesa Bruce|Oct 28, 2021

    It seems like everything I’ve tried to do this week has gone completely wrong. We had a water leak at the money pit, a valve to be exact. I wanted to replace it and couldn’t. Jacob tried, then George tried, and notta. We couldn’t get any leverage, so I cut the Pex and took the whole assembly to a couple of friends who put it in a clamp and made taking it apart look so easy! Jerks! LOL! After that, I put it all back together, lost the washers, didn’t get my fittings in tight enough, a complete disaster. To top it off, another water line I had j...

  • Unthinkable happens 3 dead after shooting spree

    Oct 28, 2021

    The highway which passes The Superior Express office has been unusually quiet in recent days. It seems like fewer local people have been visiting the office, fewer grain trucks have been rolling by traveling between field and elevator. The weather and heavily overcast sky is probably to blame for most of the decrease but it fits the somber mood of the community following the tragic events of Thursday afternoon. Area residents are still trying to make sense of the senseless—a shooting spree that left two Agrex elevator employees dead and the s...

  • Prayer vigil starts healing process

    Oct 28, 2021

    They were hard to count in the dark but hundreds of people from Superior and the surrounding towns gathered in Superior's City Park Sunday evening to pray for healing as this area struggles to deal with the tragic shooting in the Agrex elevator office that claimed three lives on Thursday afternoon. For most, the shooting was something they thought only happened in big cities, not something this area would ever have to deal with. The Nuckolls County Ministerial Association organized the...

  • Sponsors devise fun filled events to celebrate Halloween holiday

    Oct 28, 2021

    As we approach the end of October, for many the high school sports season is winding down, the Labor Day holiday is a distant memory and it is time to get out and do something different. Voila! It is time for Halloween, a time for costumes and merriment. A number of special activities are planned. The Burr Oak community sponsoring a haunted trail on Saturday. and will have a Trunk or Treat and parade event this week. Mankato is sponsoring downtown trick or treating and a pumpkin decorating contest on Friday. Here in Superior the Chamber of...

  • City Council opens with time of silence

    Oct 28, 2021

    Monday evenings Superior City Council opened with a moment of silence in recognition of the horrific events of Thursday. The meeting was unsually subdued as not a single resident of the community other than this newspaper’s reporter, city staff and council people were present. The council agreed to proposed change in the personnel policy with regard to catastrophic illness. The change provides more opportunity for city employees to donate leave time to a co-worker. The council approved contracting with Five Rule Planning to conduct a blight a...

  • Rock Hills Board of Education approves FFA request

    Oct 28, 2021

    The USD 107 Board of Education met Oct. 11. President Kenny Mizner called the regular meeting to order. Those present were: Kenny Mizner, Brenden Wirth (Zoom), Marc Grout (Zoom), Brandon Hollerich, Rex Boley, Sam Meyers and Janet Higer. Guests were Jenna Langer, Paige Zadina and Troy Duskie. On Monday interested juniors and seniors attended a college fair hosted at Cloud County Community College. Kara Gilbert, high school science teacher, will be attending a data analytics conference on Wednesday Nov. 3 in Beloit. Ms. Gilbert received her data...

  • Suspect found dead following standoff near Glen Elder

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Kansas Bureau of Investigation (KBI) and the Mitchell County Sheriff’s Office are investigating after a suspect was found dead Monday following a standoff at a residence near Glen Elder. On Saturday, Oct. 23, at approximately noon, the Mitchell County Sheriff’s Office responded to a call from a 78-year-old male who reported he was forcibly taken at gunpoint and held for around 26 hours by his 59-year-old acquaintance, John Roudybush, of Glen Elder. The Mitchell County Sheriff’s Office contacted the KBI for assistance at approximately 12:40...

  • Athens Rural High School - District No. 164

    Kerma Crouse|Oct 28, 2021

    Athens Rural High School was truly one-of-a-kind. No town, just a township seeking to have a high school for their students. It was organized by the citizens of Athens Township, independent of any other district and was not connected with any other township. There was no town of Athens at the time the school was organized. There had been a community developed around the Athens Post Office in the late 1800s but that did not last. The post office was discontinued Aug. 31, 1901. The township,...

  • Council candidates talk about Mankato

    Oct 28, 2021

    With the Mankato City Council election approaching, the Jewell County Record presented each candidate with the same four questions, giving each candidate the same amount of time to respond. The four questions were: What are your plans for our community? What do you see as the major problem in our community, and what are your plans to fix it? How long have you lived in the community? What are your reasons for running? The four candidates, George Hennion, Susan Abel, Neil “Sam” Becker, and write-in candidate, Kevin Ost responded. Here is how eac...

  • Burr Oak hosting Trunk or Treat

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Burr Oak Community will be hosting a trunk or treat event in Veterans Park on Sunday with a Halloween Parade starting at 5 p.m. The second annual Burr Oak Haunted Trail was held Saturday at the Community Center Park.. The Bubbling Cauldron with food and drinks opened at 6 p.m....

  • Mankato hosting pumpkin contest

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Mankato Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a pumpkin decorating contest on Friday. Contestants are invited to leave their decorated pumpkins between 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. in front of the Jewell County Museum. Winners will be announced, prizes given and the pumpkins released to take home at 5 p.m. The contest will be held along with annual trick or treat event. Youngsters will be encouraged to visit the downtown merchants who will have free candy available. Those businesses not located in the downtown area are invited to stake out places...

  • 28th annual National Family Literacy Day to be celebrated Monday

    Kerma Crouse|Oct 28, 2021

    Monday, Nov. 1, is the 28th annual National Family Literacy Day. The day was designated in 1994, by a joint resolution of the 103rd Congress of the United States. Celebrated every year since, the event kicks off National Literacy Month. This year Desire Tobey Sears Chapter NSDAR is joining with libraries and all interested in literacy to promote the event. Area families are encouraged to ReadWriteThink on Monday, Nov. 1st. Then keep reading and writing and thinking each day during the entire...

  • Commissioners approve proclamations

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Jewell County Commissioners met Oct. 4, with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was also present for the meeting. Motions to approve the Proclamation for October 2021 as Down Syndrome Awareness Month and the Proclamation for October 2021 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month passed unanimously. The commissioners and Cindy Becker went into executive session for 15 minutes beginning at 8:55 a.m. to discuss non-elected personnel. Regular session resumed at 9:10 a.m. with no action taken....

  • Commissioners write off $1,297.35 for 3rd Quarter for EMS

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Jewell County commissioners met Oct. 11. Commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk was present for the meeting. Shannon Meier, ambulance director, reviewed the billing and activity reports for September. He requested an executive session to discuss confidential data relating to financial affairs. Regular session resumed with the commissioners approving to write off $1,297.35 for the 3rd Quarter 2021 for EMS. Brent Beck said he met with Sara Grout, Mankato Library Board and Jamie...

  • Commissioners approve BCBS health insurance renewal for 2021

    Oct 28, 2021

    The Jewell County commissioners met Oct. 18, 2021 with commissioners Brent Beck, Steve Greene and Keith Roe, and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk present for the meeting. Nancy Marihugh, health administrator, said that Jewell County had 23 COVID-19 cases for the week. She said Jewell County was one of the only counties allowing individuals to test out early to go to back with modified quarantine. She reported the Jeep is having issues again. She discussed the flu shot clinics. Marihugh said the Moderna booster shots are scheduled for CDC approval...

  • Veteran awarded a Quilt of Valor

    Oct 28, 2021

    Sherry Koster (left) and Kerma Crouse (right) awarded Nolin Hajny, formerly of Esbon, a Quilt of Valor on Sunday, Oct. 24, at Smith Center. Hajny was born northeast of Esbon on Nov. 17 1925. He served during WWII as a Tech 4 in the Quartermaster Corps. He is one of only two WWII veterans with Jewell County connections. Thank you, Nolin Hajny, for your service. Awarding Quilts of Valor through the Quilts of Valor Foundation is one of the projects of the Desire Tobey Sears Chapter...

  • Comedy show coming to Mankato

    Oct 28, 2021

    Josh Novey, an Iraq war veteran, uses his humor and easy-going stage presence to entertain people. He is a clean comedian, so every time he goes on stage the whole family will be able to enjoy. Moms will like his charm and dads will think he’s tough because he was in the Army. He will be appearing at the Mankato Community Center at 7 p.m., Friday, Nov. 5....

  • Legion Auxiliary holds first annual chili cookoff

    Oct 28, 2021

    Legion Auxiliary holds first annual chili cookoff Nelson Legion Auxiliary held its first annual chili cookoff on Sunday, Oct. 17, at the Legion Post meeting room. The event was co-chaired by Teresa Walton and Kaitlyn McCutchan with the assistance of DeAnna Tuttle, auxiliary president. Tasters were treated to a choice of 12 chili recipes ranging from mild white to raging hot red varieties and voted for their favorites. Non-chili eating guests were served chicken noodle soup. Several varieties of...

  • Upcoming events for Nelson American Legion Post 187

    Oct 28, 2021

    Nelson American Legion Post 187 met on Oct. 14. in the post clubroom. Primary business was the preliminary planning for Veteran’s Day activities. Members plan to attend and participate in the program presented by students at the Lawrence-Nelson High School. A flag disposal ceremony will follow in the school’s shop area. After a hiatus because of the pandemic, the post will again host the traditional Veteran’s Day dinner for veterans, their families and friends. Will Daugherty’s Memorial Tribute will be on display at the event. Because of the...

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