Articles from the September 28, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 38

  • Country Roads

    Gloria Schlaefli|Sep 28, 2023

    It’s been great weather so far this fall. Most of us received much needed rain over a week ago and everything is greening up. The temperatures have been just right to get outside and do some fall work, or just to enjoy the day. The evenings are cooling off and the air conditioner is sometimes not needed which will make it easier reading the electric bill when it arrives. I remember those early fall days years ago rushing home from school. Climbing out of our school’s Jeep bus and making a run for the house. Mother would usually have one of her...

  • Editorʼs Notebook

    Bill Blauvelt|Sep 28, 2023

    The United States Postal System keeps changing. Sometimes for better but not always. Seventy-years ago the post office was flirting with discontinuing twice daily mail delivery in Superior. From reading back issues of this newspaper, it appears the post office tested cutting back to once a day in the residential area while preserving twice daily service in the business district. Eventually, the decision was made to discontinue the twice daily service to both residential and business customers. When I built the West Third Street car wash in...

  • Ask a Pastor Column

    Sep 28, 2023

    Q: Why is it that religions are better known for producing negative consequences (holy wars, conflicts with science, intolerance...), rather than positive ones? A: The key word to this question is the word “known.” We live in a culture that shaves and spins truth in various ways. Too often reality takes a back seat to perspective. So, if we listen to those in our culture who have strong anti-religious feelings, we tend to hear stories which fit that perspective. Nowadays there is a real need to take every perspective with a grain of salt and...

  • Produce

    Nancy Stafford|Sep 28, 2023

    When I was young, our gardens were “iffy” at best. While it is impossible to beat a tomato, freshly picked from the vine and eaten while still standing beside the plant, one tomato does not make a salad. Luckily for us, there was a roadside stand next to the road my father traversed to and from work each weekday. He would stop on his way home and purchase fresh picked seasonal vegetables. Back then you had to wait for the growing season in your area to purchase different vegetables. Tomatoes in December were unheard of unless you bought “ho...

  • Puffs

    Allen Ostdiek|Sep 28, 2023

    I have almost always supported the United State Postal Service. They have a hard job to do, and for the most part have always done it well. However . . . I may be changing my mind on this subject. A number of ‘happenings’ have been occurring recently that I just don’t understand. A few examples: • A commercial business in Red Cloud recently mailed out their month’s end statements and were hoping their customers would shortly be mailing back a check to pay for their purchases. After waiting a while, no money was coming in and a few questions...

  • Love my crazy life

    Teraesa Bruce|Sep 28, 2023

    We hit yet another bump in the road, George had two toenails removed last week, and the doctor plans to remove them all two at a time. He has had problems with his toes since before I met him, they are very sensitive, and he has tried everything in the book to not have to remove the nails, but here we are. I hope this helps him in the long run, but at the moment he is having second thoughts about removing the other eight. When he went in to have them looked at, he didn’t think they would remove them right away, and since they did all of our p...

  • Superior installing cameras in City Park

    Sep 28, 2023

    The days of getting away with inappropriate activity unobserved in Superior’s City Park will soon be on the decline. Monday evening members of the city council approved the installation of surveillance cameras. Two companies, CEI Security and Sound and Nex-Tech submitted proposals. Both were considered qualified bidders with excellent ratings from area customers. The council selected CEI to provide the system with multiple cameras located throughout the park. The company’s basebid was for $17,707. However, the council elected to add add...

  • Ceremony honors Civil War veterans buried in Nuckolls County cemeteries

    Sep 28, 2023

    The American Civil War ended more than 150 years ago but the sacrifices made by those on both sides of the dispute have not been forgotten. Eighty-eight Union Army veterans are buried in Superior's Evergreen Cemetery and more are buried elsewhere in Nuckolls County. Many county residents have among their treasured collections items like an ancestor's Civil War medal or a uniform button. Superior's Old Abe Post of the Grand Army of the Republic, marked the members' graves in Evergreen with a...

  • Superior firemen battle hay fire near Webber Tuesday

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Superior Volunteer Fire Department was called out at 4:55 Tuesday morning to battle a fire north of Webber. First reports indicated it was possibly a grass fire and a request was submitted for mutual aid from the Formoso Volunteer Fire Department. However, when the Superior department arrived it was found to be a hay fire and the request for mutual aid was cancelled. Eight bales of a forage type of hay burned. The bales owned by Tyler Christensen were parked in the middle of a row. Christensen used a front-end loader and a nearby farmer...

  • Nashville singer will attend revival meeting at Burr Oak

    Sep 28, 2023

    A Jewell County farmer is organizing a religious event he is calling a “Harvest Revival” to beheld in one of his family’s large farm sheds on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21. Those attending are asked to bring their own chairs and dress warm because the shed does not have any heat. It does have a new concrete floor. Soup and sandwiches will be available starting at 5:30 each evening. The program will begin at 6:30 with music by Brittany Bexton from Nashville. The music will be followed by inspirational speakers including Jeff Ord, Rod R...

  • Vyzourek receives CEOs to Know award

    Sep 28, 2023

    Brodstone Healthcare was thrilled to announce Treg Vyzourek, CEO, is a recipient of the Becker’s Hospital Review’s 67 Critical Access Hospital CEOs to Know award. This nationwide award recognizes the leaders who have successfully navigated their organizations through the COVID-19 pandemic and continue to focus on growing access to care as a valuable community resource. Becker’s Hospital Review is a magazine for hospital business news and analysis for hospital and healthcare system executives. Becker’s Healthcare stated, “The CEOs awarded a...

  • Superior overrides school levy tax lid for 2024

    Sep 28, 2023

    Members of the Superior Board of Education unanimously passed the 2023-24 budget and related tax requests Monday evening in special meeting. All members of the board were present. “Tax askings have been fairly level. This time we are taking a jump up,” Matt Sullivan, board president, said. “Inflation and the loss of state aid are the primary reasons behind this year’s increase. The costs of salaries, fuel, utilities and food are all up. For example, food costs for the district are up $80,000 over the last four years’ average costs. “There is...

  • Commissioners accept resignations

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Jewell County Commissioners met Tuesday, Sept. 5. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, was present.. Don Jacobs, sheriff, reported a dispatcher resigned. Travis Garst, solid waste director, said he had been working on a 5-year management plan. He has worked on the drainage system, semi-shed and relocated the fuel barrel. He discussed the process for getting the hail repair completed. Travis then provided a copy of Alan Davis’s resignation letter effective Sept. 16. Travis also p...

  • Commissioners proclaim September 2023 as Recovery Month

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept.11. Commissioners Brent Beck, and Ed Duskie were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, attended the meeting. Brian Shulda discussed possible changes to the resolution for the permanent burning ban. He also discussed the economic development program. Commissioners reviewed the draft proposal of the lawn maintenance services and made changes. Carla Waugh reviewed the cereal malt beverage license applications of Billy R. Foster D.B.A. The Shed B&G LLC’s were sent to Ionia Township for approval. C...

  • Commissioners attend multi-county meeting in Mitchell County

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Jewell County Commissioners met Sept. 18, with commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie, and Carla Waugh, county clerk, present for the meeting. Joel Elkins, general superintendent, discussed road and bridge maintenance. Brent Beck discussed Dennis Kennedy’s bridge concern. The commissioners met at the west entrance of the courthouse to answer questions concerning the Lawn Maintenance Services RFP. Those present for the discussion were Lori Zadina, Brian Murray, Denny Murray and Chris Petet. Travis Garst, solid waste director, s...

  • Jewell County Commissioners hold special meeting

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Jewell County Commissioners held a special meeting on Friday, Sept. 22, for the purpose of discussing non-elected personnel with the reason of conducting interviews for the solid waste director. Commissioners Brent Beck, Keith Roe and Ed Duskie were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, was present for the meeting. Commissioners went into executive session for 20 minutes to discuss non-elected personnel for the purpose of interviewing the solid waste director applicant. Regular session resumed with no action taken. The commissioners went...

  • Pilot program helps 25 families stake roots in North Central Kansas

    Sep 28, 2023

    Financial incentives offered through the pilot North Central Kansas Regional Relocation Program attracted 38 new residents and assisted in the purchase of 25 homes in the region in the past year. The pilot program officially launched Aug. 15, 2022, and concluded in Spring 2023. It was available in Cloud, Ellsworth, Jewell, Lincoln, Mitchell, Ottawa, Republic and Saline counties. The program helped make home ownership more affordable for those relocating to the region by reducing the barriers of down payments and closing costs. The North...

  • Mankato receives 4,000

    Sep 28, 2023

    Midway Co-op Association in conjunction with Land O'Lakes donated a total of $4,000 to the Mankato Endowment. The Mankato Endowment uses the funds for Helping Hands Ministries. Helping Hands Ministries helps meet the needs of more financial distressed families in Jewell County. The money is used for the food pantry and provides supplies to families in need. Midway Co-op works with regional cooperatives to receive matching grants. Midway Co-op supported local county fair premium auctions with...

  • KDOT resurfacing US 36 in Jewell County

    Sep 28, 2023

    On Monday, the Kansas Department of Transportation began resurfacing U.S. 36 in Jewell County and K-199 in Republic County. Work on U.S. 36 begins at the east city limits of Mankato and continues east about 8.9 miles to 4.6 miles east of the U.S. 36/K-14 North junction in Jewell County. Work on K-199 begins at the north city limits of Courtland and continues north about .8 mile to the K-199/U.S. 36 junction in Republic County. Flaggers and a pilot car are used to direct one lane of traffic through construction at a reduced speed. Drivers...

  • Kansas cancels its fall turkey hunting...

    Sep 28, 2023

    Kansas has canceled its fall turkey hunting season, state officials announced Friday, Sept. 15, amid a decline in turkey populations across the Midwest and Southeast. Kansas has documented “consistent declines” in turkey populations over the last 15 years, the state’s Department of Wildlife and Parks said in a statement. That’s because fewer turkeys are reaching adulthood in Kansas and other states, said Kent Fricke, the department’s small game biologist. Possible reasons include turkey habitat destruction from urbanization and habitat l...

  • Mankato to interviews for city administrator

    Sep 28, 2023

    A special meeting of the Mankato City Council was held on Tuesday, Sept. 19, pursuant to a call for a special meeting signed by Mayor Justin Schoonover. Present were Schoonover, Councilmen Payne, Dauner, Becker, Ost and Hennion. Also present were Sharon McCormick, city clerk, and Darrell Miller, city attorney. Nikki Harrison, League of Municipalities, was present via zoom. The purpose of the meeting was for discussion regarding the applications received for the position of city administrator. After discussion, the council requested that Nikki...

  • Storm came through Mankato overnight Thursday

    Sep 28, 2023

    Mankato was riddled with downed trees and branches after a storm came through overnight Thursday. High winds uprooted a large tree Thursday night. It fell on the Weltmer Phillips Law Office roof in downtown Mankato....

  • Flu clinics coming

    Sep 28, 2023

    Jewell County Flu clinics coming soon Jewell County Health Department will kick off the annual flu shot clinics starting at Jewell Corn Show on Saturday, Oct. 14 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, followed by Tuesday, Oct. 17 in Esbon at Guaranty State Bank 9:30 to 11:30 a.m., and Burr Oak at Guaranty State Bank 1 to 3 p.m., and Mankato on Wednesday, Oct. 18, at Community Center 10-12 Noon. No appointment needed. Please bring your insurance card and wear short-sleeved shirts. Walk-in Wednesdays are still an option if unable to attend the clinics. Oct. 23...

  • Nebraskaland photo contest begins Oct. 1

    Sep 28, 2023

    The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission will accept submissions for the 2023 Nebraskaland Magazine photo contest starting Oct. 1. Submissions should be posted via Instagram using the hashtag #Nebraskland2023. To be eligible for the contest, photos should be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Central time Oct. 28. Make sure your account is public so judges may view your photo. Photographers of all ages and skill levels are invited to submit photos in four categories: Wildlife — wild mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish Scenic — in which lan...

  • Salem Women observe "God's Work, Our Hands"

    DeAnna Tuttle|Sep 28, 2023

    A general meeting of the Women of Salem Lutheran Church was held on Sept. 20 in the church fellowship hall. The 2024 officers of the group were elected and will be installed at the Jan. 3 Epiphany Supper. They are: DeAnna Tuttle, president; Lexie Frahm, vice president; Murlene Schleufer, secretary, and Diane Gebers, treasurer. Committee members will be announced at the January meeting. Following the business meeting, those present worked to carry out the “God’s Work, Our Hands” project of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ameri...

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