Articles from the June 13, 2024 edition

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  • Country Roads

    Gloria Schlaefli|Jun 13, 2024

    Some people have favorite trees. My husband likes the native Cottonwood tree since it reminds him of his childhood, as his family lived by the Solomon River where the Cottonwood trees grew in abundance. He enjoyed hearing the sounds of their rustling leaves. For myself, my favorite tree is the native Catalpa tree. It was about four years ago that my husband and I planted a Catalpa tree in our front yard. It has grown a lot since it was planted. Now it provides shade from the morning sun through the front windows of our house. Some may wonder...

  • Editorʼs Notebook

    Bill Blauvelt|Jun 13, 2024

    Forty years ago this month the fate of an overhead suspension bridge first erected in Iowa probably in the prior century and moved in Nuckolls County in 1935 was sealed. On a June morning construction workers toppled the tired structure into the Republican River. It replaced a bridge destroyed by the great 1935 flood. At the time it was moved, the Nuckolls County Commissioners expected it would be good for 100 years. It may have been had expectations of what was needed from a bridge at the location had not changed. By 1984, the bridge was...

  • Ask a Pastor Column

    Jun 13, 2024

    Q: I’m having a hard time relating to my grandchildren. I don’t understand their problems and can’t seem to help them. What can I do? A: It does seem like the generational gaps are widening in our culture. As changes in our culture accelerate, it can be harder and harder to keep up, particularly because we keep slowing down! The reality is that, as we age, more effort is required to keep pace with our children or grandchildren. As one who has spent a significant amount of time with the youth of this generation, I think I can offer some bibli...

  • Puffs

    Allen Ostdiek|Jun 13, 2024

    The end of last week, I finally realized another example of the power of three. A lot of people believe things happen in “threes.” As I understand it, mostly bad things happen in threes. I’m not sure I believe in that, but it does seem to happen often enough to make many believers. My example in recent weeks is that three first cousins have just died, all close together: Robert Ostdiek, Harold Brockman and Jack Lemke. All first cousins to each other. That’s enough of my relatives to leave us. I hope the power of three is satisfied and I have...

  • Love my crazy life

    Teraesa Bruce|Jun 13, 2024

    Well, I am failing at being a gardener. Most of my seeds did not come up. I likely planted before it was warm enough, or planted them too deep. I will replant them soon. My corn and potatoes did come up, and my pepper plants seem to be doing well, but my sweet potatoes and tomatoes don’t look so great. I have a ton of weeds growing and can’t seem to find the time or ambition to get after them. In the evenings I have tried. The mosquitos have been so bad that I gave up after just a few minutes. It doesn’t take long for them to chew you up. Thank...

  • Superior School Board adding to security system

    Jun 13, 2024

    Monday evening, members of the Superior Board of Education met in regular session at the Superior High School library. The primary focus of the agenda was policy approval. Policies were divided into three categories: new policies, change polices and policies to review. Five new polices were approved, 22 policies changed and four were reviewed as part of an ongoing three year cycle. None of the policies were read aloud and there was no significant discussion. Most were recommended by legal council or required by state statue. Supt. John Whetzal...

  • Superior Council vgives $50,000 to NC3 childcare start-up

    Jun 13, 2024

    Members of the Superior Council voted Monday evening to add $50,000 to the city’s NC3 investment in an attempt to improve child care services within the community. The city is one of three investors in the NC3 Childcare organization that is attempting to reopen the closed Lighthouse Daycare Center located in a former church on East Seventh Street. The Superior Schools and Brodstone Healthcare are the other two organizations affiliated in the effort. The current goal is to have the service open by Aug. 1. The opening will be in stages to a...

  • Good day when the single-lane Republican River bridge closed

    Jun 13, 2024

    Forty years ago this June spectators gathered down by the river to watch workers employed by Capitol Bridge Company topple the overhead truss bridge which provided the Superior community's most direct access to Kansas via what is commonly called the Webber Road. The old bridge was a sturdy on but it was creating a dangerous bottle neck on an increasingly busy road. Though when placed across the river after the 1935 flood, the Nuckolls County Commissioners thought it would adequately serve for...

  • Federal holiday may slow next weekʼs newspapers

    Jun 13, 2024

    Until reminded we suspect most of our customers have forgotten that the newest federal holiday will be observed on Wednesday, June 19, While we expect it will be business as usual for most folks, the holiday is upsetting many delivery schedules for the printed version of this newspaper. The paper will be printed as usual but we will not be able to enter it into the U.S. Mail system until Thursday. Depending upon how the mail is moved and where we are permitted to enter the papers into the mail system will impact when it is delivered. But there...

  • Glenwood agrees to buy wireless internet provider

    Jun 13, 2024

    Superior iNet customers are receiving letters this week informing them of the sale of the internet service provider Glenwood Telecommunications of Blue Hill. Superior iNet was started in Superior by Daren Blackstone to provide wireless internet services after he became unhappy with the quality of service provided by other companies serving this area. The business grew and was sold to Dennis Shuck and his ERC Communications of Edgar. Under Shuck’s ownership the business continued to expand. On July 8, Glenwood will officially assume ownership o...

  • Pony Express will pass through area Tuesday

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Pony Express will pass through Oak going westward on Tuesday, June 18. Go to Pony Express Re-Ride 2024 and find a complete schedule of dates and times. A tracker is placed in the mailbags, so it’s easy to locate the rider and estimate how long before it might go by. Oak can expect the rider at approximately 8:30 in the evening on Tuesday. Thayer County should expect the rider at Highway 53 near Alexandria at 4:45 p.m. Rock Creek at 1:45 p.m. Of course, the weather can change the best-laid plans....

  • Contractor sought to remove courthouse mold

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Nuckolls County Board of Commissioners met at the county courthouse in Nelson Monday. All three commissioners were present. The board approved the contract with the Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association (NIRMA). The not-for profit, member owned organization provides risk management and self-insurance for member entities. The board, in a procedural move, denied the Lawrence Rural Fire District levy request. The board received a request from Casey Muzic for the annual funding request for Midland Area on Aging. The board...

  • All the same cemetery, just a different name, Montana, Rubens, Tibbett's

    Kerma Crouse|Jun 13, 2024

    "It's old," said Arden Russell. Russell, with Doug Paige as sexton, plus John Price Sr, Ed VanMeter and Brett Behrends are the five board members who care for Montana Cemetery located along the northern edge of Lovewell Lake. Or officially, Jewell County Cemetery District No. 12. The cemetery is located on Jewell County's Y Road ("the Lake Road') just a half mile east of Highway 14. Montana Cemetery is the most commonly used name but the cemetery has also been referred to as the Tibbetts...

  • Lovewell Lake Church

    Jun 13, 2024

    Cathy Chase, Republic, rings the Lovewell Lake Church bell as Jan Miller, Superior, looks on. The church meets at 9:30 a.m. every Sunday from Memorial Day to Labor Day....

  • Whether to upgrades computer program or install new ones

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Jewell County Commissioners met June 3. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck were present. Carla Waugh, county clerk, attended the meeting. Paul Wilson discussed options for disorganizing or transferring the powers and responsibilities of Holmwood Township Board to the county. The commissioners referenced K.S.A. 80-120. Don Jacobs, sheriff, discussed repairs to the 2021 Dodge Ram patrol vehicle. He said one taser gun is no longer working so he needs to order a new one. Dwight Frost discussed needing a tube placed on 70 Road....

  • Jewell City Council approves concrete work for city park

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Jewell City Council met Monday at City Hall. Those in attendance were Mayor, Darrell Bohnert, council members Don Delzeit, Josh Burks, Gaye Daniels, Derek Birdsell, Bob Freeman and Kristie Anderson, city clerk. Don Jacobs, Jewell County sheriff, was present and discussed the activities going on in the city. James Reed, code enforcement officer, was absent and presented a written report. Reed mentioned the properties he is working with to get up to code. Jerod McMillan provided the monthly maintenance report. McMillan is going to start...

  • Jewell County Community Foundation awards more than $46,000 in grants 

    Jun 13, 2024

    During its spring grant cycle, the Jewell County Community Foundation awarded more than $46,000 to 14 projects throughout the Jewell County area. The following organizations received funding: • Esbon Rural Fire District No. 3 - $4,000 to purchase safety gear improvements. • USD 107 - $1,376 to complete the purchase of adaptive items, Rainbow Chimes and tether ball, for the school playground. • Mankato Chamber of Commerce - $1,350 to purchase supplies and miscellaneous items for Making Magic Christmas Memories. • Burr Oak Volunteer Fire Departm...

  • Budget request information has been sent out

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Jewell County Commissioners met May 28, 2024. Commissioners Keith Roe, Ed Duskie and Brent Beck were present. Carla J. Waugh, county clerk, attended the meeting. The following were present for the office head meeting and provided an update for their department: Chris Petet, custodian; Don Jacobs, sheriff; Cindy Becker, health administrator; and Carla J. Waugh, county clerk. Those absent: Amanda Davis, register of deeds; Anna Porter, county appraiser; James A. Vaughan IV, solid waste director; Shannon Meier, ambulance director; Scott...

  • Sawyer Cox attended Boys' State

    Jun 13, 2024

    Sawyer Cox of Nelson was chosen by the Nelson Legion Post to join the nearly 270 other high school juniors from across Nebraska to participate in the American Legion Cornhusker Boys' State Program, that was held June 2 through 8 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln downtown campus. The annual citizenship program, sponsored by the Nebraska American Legion, is designed to provide youths with a better understanding of how city, county and state governments operate. American Legion Cornhusker...

  • The Untold Story Behind D-Day

    U.S. Senator Deb Fischer|Jun 13, 2024

    On June 6, 1944, the land, air and sea forces of the Allied stormed the beaches of Normandy to dislodge German troops from the French coast and ultimately liberate western Europe. D-Day marked the beginning of the end of World War II. But it almost didn’t happen. Crossing the English Channel — much less moving multiple divisions and their equipment across the treacherous stretch — was a notoriously difficult feat. To achieve success that day, the sky, sea and weather all had to cooperate. Air operations needed clear skies and a full moon for v...

  • Cow Chip Trophy goes to Kelly Karmazin

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Lawrence Country Club was the setting Sunday for the 64th Annual Men's Cow Chip Open Tournament. Fifty-fourgolfers participated in the two round open. Conditions were picture perfect with sunny skies, moderate temperatures and light winds. Kelly Karmazin shot an opening round, four under par, 32, leaving the door open for other golfers to challenge. An eight under par, 28, in the second round, slammed the door on the competition and the tournament. Kelly won medalist honors for the lowest...

  • Lawrence pool news

    Jun 13, 2024

    The Lawrence pool opened on Monday, June 3, with everything up and running smoothly. Russ Menke resurfaced and painted the slide and diving board as well as the benches in the girls locker room. Peggy Kotinek is the manager. Assistant managers are Sara Skinner and Claire Himmelberg. Lifeguards are Claire Himmelberg, Hanna Skinner and Tyson Kotinek. Part time lifeguards and pool operators are Emily Troudt, McKenzie Ostdiek and Carter Griffis. Lifeguards are taking appointments for private swimming lessons Hours are 1 to 6 p.m. Saturday through...

  • Brodstone donates record-breaking amount to Can Care-A-Van

    Jun 13, 2024

    Brodstone Healthcare was proud to announce a record-breaking donation of $5,705 to the Nuckolls County Food Pantry for the 2024 Can Care-A-Van food drive on Monday. This year's contribution surpasses all previous donations, showcasing Brodstone Healthcare's commitment to supporting the fight against hunger in our community. Brodstone Healthcare employees rallied together. To maximize their impact, Brodstone departments participated in a friendly competition to see which department could raise...

  • Keenagers enjoy an afternoon of food, cards and bingo

    Jun 13, 2024

    Keenagers met on Thursday, May 16, at the fire hall in Lawrence. There were 23 guests. Sherri Buescher and Marcy Fierstein hosted. They served lasagna with all the sides and a tasty dessert which was enjoyed by all. Entertainment for the afternoon was bingo and cards. They group celebrated Connie Reiman’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Connie! The next meeting will be Thursday June 20, at the fire hall with Dee Kohmetscher and Sandra Carpenter serving country fried steak and all the fixings. Sandy will bring her famous home-made ice cream! Please c...

  • 258 Doane University students make spring Dean's List

    Jun 13, 2024

    A total of 258 Doane University students made the university’s Spring 2024 Dean’s List, nearly a third of all students enrolled at Doane’s Crete campus. To make the Dean’s List, undergraduate students enrolled on the university’s Crete campus must earn a grade point average of 3.70 or higher in at least 12 graded credits during the semester. Of the 258 students on the Dean’s List: 61 graduated in May 23 are first year students 70 are sophomores 59 are juniors 106 are of senior standing (includes graduated seniors) A total of 807 undergradua...

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