Articles from the April 2, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 32

  • Nebraska election still on;

    Apr 2, 2020

    “Your ballot is waiting for you - request it, cast it!” Bob Evnen, Nebraska Secretary of State, and Governor Pete Ricketts have confirmed Nebraska’s 2020 statewide primary election will take place May 12, as planned. During the governor’s daily Covid-19 response press conference Thursday, Secretary Evnen reminded voters Nebraska is a ‘no excuse’ early ballot request state. “Early mail-in ballot request applications are being sent to Nebraska voters by county election officials or by my office,” stated Secretary Evnen. “The application can b...

  • Jewell County's 1st Confirmed Case

    Bill Blauvelt, Jewell County Record|Apr 2, 2020

    First case of coronavirus (COVID-19) identified in Jewell County The Jewell County Health Department received notification confirming our first case of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Jewell County. The case involves a resident of Jewell County. The individual is currently maintaining in-home isolation and is stable. Jewell County Health Department is working to identify any close contacts of the individual and those who were exposed will be contacted as soon as possible. We will be monitoring these contacts for fever and respiratory...

  • Directed Health Measures to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 in Nuckolls County

    Bill Blauvelt, The Superior Express|Apr 2, 2020

    The South Heartland District Health Department, in collaboration with the district’s four-county region, is implementing Directed Health Measures necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Today, the health department announced that of the four confirmed COVID-19 cases in Adams County, investigations were unable to determine the source of exposure for three of them. They are now being reported as community spread. The health department is working with state officials regarding the implementation of state Directed Health Measures in the f...

  • Jewell Items

    Sharon Tullar, Jewell County Record|Apr 2, 2020

    Jewell News for April 2 Jewell History: Answer to last week’s question was F. B. Gifford and Wm. Chaney were the two men that constructed a telephone line from the office of the Chicago Lumber Co. to the store of J. D. Robertson. This week: What was the name of the theatre in early Jewell City? Due to the unknowns of the coronavirus, the Jewell Alumni officers had decided to cancel the 2020 Jewell Alumni Banquet scheduled for May 23. Save the date of May 20, 2021 for next year, when this year’s 50-year class and next year’s will be honor...

  • New faces abound in police dept.

    Sandra Foote|Apr 2, 2020

    Superior Police Department has had several changes this past year or so. Three new officers and a new Chief of Police have joined the department since Perry Freeman retired in December 2019. Jason Miller joined the department last year and graduated from the Law Enforcement Academy in Grand Island Dec. 20, 2019. Nolan Janzen also joined the department last year and is almost finished with his training in the academy. Veteran law enforcement officer from Texas, Daryl Wilkes, has joined the...

  • Vehicle registration procedure changes

    Apr 2, 2020

    The Nuckolls County treasurer’s office is only doing titles and registrations for new vehicles at this time. An appointment is needed with the office and can be made by calling (402) 225-4351. The office can only do new titles that have current Nebraska titles. The county sheriff’s office is not doing vin inspections for out of state vehicles at this time. Vehicle renewals can be done online or through the mail. The executive order the governor signed on March 19, states all vehicles will have a grace period of 30 days after the executive ord...

  • Cancellation list continues to grow; shutdown extended through April 30

    Apr 2, 2020

    The list of cancellations continues to grow as does the number of COVID-19 cases. After the last issue of this newspaper was printed we received an advertisement order for an electronics recycling event that was to be held at Nelson. The ad was set and placed in the current edition. Monday we got a call advising the event planned for April ?? would not be held. We have not yet heard of a new date but expect the event will be rescheduled. We certainly hope it will be rescheduled as we had been gathering a pile of electronic items we planned to...

  • Jewell County Readers postponed

    Apr 2, 2020

    Because of the Coronavirus, Book Club has been postponed until May 18. Members will discuss “Thread of Grace” without books. Books need to be returned to the Jewell Library ASAP and dropped in the slot as another group is waiting for them. Though the Jewell Library is closed, employees are caring for the books that need to be returned....

  • Applications Due by May 1st

    Apr 2, 2020

    Applications for the spring round of local Dane G. Hansen grants are due May 1. Jewell County municipalities and non-profit organizations are eligible to apply for money toward community projects that utilize volunteers. The application and criteria are available at Because of those who donate to the Jewell County Community Foundation during the March Match Month. the Jewell County Community Foundation is able to give out additional grants every cycle. Money that is raised...

  • Voluntary reduction in burning recommended

    Apr 2, 2020

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic currently impacting all states, including Kansas, the Kansas Department of Health and Environment and the Kansas Department of Agriculture strongly encourage all land owners and managers to voluntarily reduce the number of acres they intend to burn this spring. “With the potential for this pandemic overwhelming the state’s medical facilities, any additional respiratory concerns that could be produced from breathing smoke from prescribed fire need to be mitigated,” Dr. Lee Norman, KDHE secretary, said. Commo...

  • Nelson Library joins the COVID-19 battle; building face shields

    Apr 2, 2020

    Saturday the Nelson Library, along with businesses and groups from five cities throughout southeastern Nebraska, was asked to become a part of the national COVID-19 fight. The six locations all have one thing in common, a 3D printer. They were asked to create two parts of face shields needed by the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Bryan hospitals. “We have an immediate need for as many face shields as possible. We’re expecting parts from an injection molder soon but we need parts sooner. We’re looking for as many parts as we can get 3...

  • Palm Sunday

    Kerma Crouse|Apr 2, 2020

    Christians around the world will celebrate Palm Sunday on this coming Sunday, April 5. (Or on April 12 in Eastern Orthodox or Russian Orthodox congregations.) It is often observed with children carrying palm branches down the aisles of churches but will be observed differently this year. Services online, via Facebook, Zoom and other media will tell the centuries old story. The story of Palm Sunday, as recorded in the Gospels, tells of the day Jesus rode triumphantly into Jerusalem. The story beg...

  • Rock Hills seniors awarded a Dane G. Hansen Scholarship

    Apr 2, 2020

    Two students from Rock Hills have been awarded a grant from the Dane G. Hansen Foundation. For students interested in a career and technical education scholarship, the foundation offered the following scholarships. These awards are for $4,000 and may be renewed for one additional year provided the student has maintained a satisfactory academic record. The two students from Rocks Hills are Haley Long and Dominic Long....

  • Coronavirus loan guide created to help small businesses

    Apr 2, 2020

  • Spring break during the COVID-19 outbreak

    Mary Sawyer|Apr 2, 2020

    March. Spring break. College. What do most college students do during this time? Travel! But how has COVID-19 changed that? Some students left early in March before all of the warnings and shutdowns. Here are the stories of three students how the COVID-19 pandemic affected their trips. Teah Colvin, a senior at Chadron State College, and three of her girlfriends planned their spring break in January. They wanted to vacation near the ocean in a warm climate, but they had a limited budget. They found what they thought was the perfect place for...

  • Lost Moose still wandering

    Apr 2, 2020

    Remember the young moose that earlier was observed in a field south of Hardy and then moved on to Republic County? Well the two-year-old male moose is in the news again. Saturday the Lincoln Journal-Star reported he had made a loop through Kansas and had been in recent days near Wilber and in Gage County (Beatrice). He was first observed near Ainsworth last year. He wandered south past Ravenna and Hastings and then was seen near Hardy and Belleville. Because of their size and lack of predators, a moose generally makes little effort to hide....

  • Historic Judy Barn disappears

    Gloria Schlaefli|Apr 2, 2020

    A 100-year-old landmark barn is no more. On Saturday, the octagonal built Judy Barn was disposed of. It will no longer be a landmark for travelers making their way along Highway 36. For Jewell County residents, it was a historical landmark that reminded them of another time. Located between Mankato and Montrose, this barn was rich in local history and the history of four generations of the Judy family. It all began with Alexander Judy. He was raised in Missouri but longed to become a cowboy and...

  • Optimism was high when new Superior hotel opened in 1930

    Apr 2, 2020

    Ninety years ago the opening of a new hotel in downtown Superior was the big news of the week. At that time the new hotel was a vast improvement over other lodging accommodations available in Superior. With five railroads lines regularly bringing passengers to Superior, the lodging business was big business here in 1930 and the new hotel was a welcome addition. Today only two of those hotel structures survive. Neither are open for overnight guests. Both the Union and Nebraskan hotel buildings have been adapted for other uses. The Union, built...

  • Editor's Notebook

    Bill Blauvelt|Apr 2, 2020

    Though as a youngster I only participated in one of Superior’s organized Easter Egg Hunts, hunting Easter eggs and derivatives were among my favorite activities. Instead of eating my Easter eggs, I saved them so they could be hid over and over. My Easter eggs were stored on the top shelf of a kitchen cupboard. To get to them, I had to stand on a kitchen chair and stretch to the limit. Thus I didn’t get to play with them as often as I would have liked. In his youth, my uncle was an avid marble player. When he left home, Grandmother saved his mar...

  • Country Roads

    Gloria Schlaefli|Apr 2, 2020

    Looking for things to do while remaining mostly at home, following the Coronavirus distancing requirements, I found myself going through old family photos. This stirred lots of memories made as a child. One photo was of a sister and me looking pretty sickly, standing outside on the sidewalk, dressed in our nightgowns, house slippers and house coats with dark circles under our eyes. The photo was marked on the backside by our mother, “Gloria and Glenna recovering from the Asiatic Flu, 1958.” I remember that event in my life. Never have I fel...

  • Randall

    Fawna Barrett|Apr 2, 2020

    Fog was heavy last Monday until about noon. Fog was lighter Tuesday and Wednesday mornings. Wednesday became a truly Spring day with temperatures surging into the 70s. Friday started with fog again and remained cloudy throughout the day. Light mist and more fog Saturday. Sunday was sunny. No church services until mid-April as we abide by the governor's executive order. Worship services are available on Facebook Since friends and relatives can't visit rest homes, Residential Care at Beloit had a...

  • Evelyn Slaughter

    Apr 2, 2020

    Evelyn Irene Slaughter, the daughter of Henry and Mary (Steinhauser) Schmuecker, was born July 20, 1919, on a farm south of Stuart, Neb. She died on March 24, at the Arbor Care Center at O’Neill, Neb., at the age of 100 years, 8 months, 4 days. She attended a rural school through the eighth grade and then moved to Atkinson and attended Saint Joseph school to the 11th grade. She worked at several jobs in the vicinity and finally worked at the Hastings Ammunition Depot during World War II. Shortly...

  • LuEtta Braun

    Apr 2, 2020

    LuEtta Martha Braun, the daughter of Fred and Martha (Rippe) Hobelman, was born on April 28, 1928, on a farm near Hardy, Neb. She died March 27, 2020, at the Kingswood Court in Superior, at the age of 91 years, 10 months, 28 days. LuEtta was one of eight children and attended Superior Schools and graduated from Hardy High School. She married Harold Braun on Jan. 30, 1949 in Superior. This union was blessed with two daughters. LuEtta was employed at Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph for many years...

  • Ramona Wulf

    Apr 2, 2020

    Ramona E. Wulf, 89, of Guide Rock, died Thursday, March 26,2020 at the Webster County Community Hospital in Red Cloud. A private family graveside service was held at the Guide Rock Cemetery with the Rev. Warren Schoming officiating. Book signing was at 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday and Tuesday at the funeral home....

  • Wanda Reynolds

    Apr 2, 2020

    Wanda Ailene Reynolds, 88, was born on Sept. 14, 1931, in the ruralcommunity of Lovewell, Kan. She was the daughter of Fred Eugene and Minnie Myrtle (Miller) Allen. Wanda attended grade school in Formoso, until the eighth grade. She attended Belleville High School and graduated with the Class of 1949. Except for two years in Salina, Wanda lived most of her adult life in Denver, Colo. She became a legal secretary of an oil and gas company. Most of her work was with their leasing of mineral rights. In her spare time she was involved with several...

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